How Much Is a 1 Carat Diamond Worth?
What Is a 1 Carat Diamond?
A 1 carat diamond is a diamond that is about 200 mg or 0.2 g in weight. The measure entails mass and not its physical size, as the diamond can be cut in one of many ways. It is an outstanding diamond to have on an engagement ring, but you can expect to spend a varying amount on that diamond.
How Much Is a 1 Carat Diamond Worth?
A 1 carat diamond can cost anything from $2,000 to $12,000. There are four essential factors that will determine the overall value of your specific 1 carat diamond.
What Is the Color?
Start by looking at the color of your diamond to review how much it is worth. Your diamond will feature a grade based on how much color is in that diamond. Diamonds that don’t have as much color will cost more than the … Read More
How Much Is a 1 Carat Diamond Worth? Read More